We are excited to share the new look of the Arts Commons Transformation project designed by KPMB Architects in association with Hindle Architects and Tawaw Architecture Collective PLLC/ Inc. The design process started with the question: “How might a performing arts centre feel as open and inclusive as a park?” The design team was inspired by Alberta’s landscapes and the spirit of the community to create this performing arts center for Calgary.
Arts Commons is one of Canada’s largest and most vibrant arts. Located in the heart of downtown Calgary, the centre occupies a full city block and is home to six theatres including the world-class Jack Singer Concert Hall. The high-ambition project will create a new performing arts centre featuring 1,000-seat theatre and 200-seat studio theatre, with rehearsal space, public amenities, and elevated bridge connecting to the existing building; along with significant renovations and upgrades to the existing facilities, including lifecycle and operational improvements.
Learn more here.